Fluency is so hard for struggling readers and especially for kids with dyslexia.
What is fluency? By definition, fluency is "the ability to read with proper speed, accuracy, and expression." You must be able to read fluently to understand what you are reading. And many sources say this is at around 98% accurately.
The three components of fluency are:
PROSODY (expression)
Good fluency will look effortless for a reader. They will quickly sound out and automatically recognize words across the page. Fluent readers can read aloud effortlessly and with expression. Poor fluency is very labored and slow with frequent stopping at unknown words. Comprehension can be lost with poor fluency as the reader is struggling so hard to just read the text. A reader who must focus attention on decoding words may not have any mental energy left to apply meaning to the text.
Other signs of poor fluency:
lacking expression
inefficient or inaccurate decoding of familiar words
lack of memory of words that have been practiced previously
automatic recognition of few words
How to work on fluency:
Listen to audio books so the child can hear fluent reading
Echo reading: You read and then let the child read the sentence tracking each word as you read along.
Repetition. Allow them opportunity to practice by re-reading motivating materials.
Reading poems that rhyme.